When you hear about fractions, the first thing that comes to mind is math, but it is an extremely important concept that we use in our daily lives, from telling time to baking a cake. Learning fractions forms the basis for understanding a variety of math topics and is an important life skill. Children need to gain a deep understanding of the topic to feel comfortable working with them. The concept of fractions often seems confusing to children because of their complexity. By using educational resources such as math puzzles and games, fractions can become fun for children. It also allows children to visualize fractions in real life to understand their uses. Solving fraction puzzles also helps stimulate a child’s interest in math, making it exciting and fun for them. You can also explain fractions to your children by telling them some interesting stories that include puzzles related to fractions.
You can even plan fun activities for children to teach fractions. These activities can include games, puzzles, and more. Children will learn something and also enjoy the activities. When it comes to children, they must enjoy the activities. When they get bored, they just ignore the main concept and their minds wander. Whenever you explain fractions to them, make sure that they have fun, otherwise, they will treat it as a boring math concept. Here we will discuss an interesting card game similar to UNO that will help children understand fractions. You can create cards where you write fractions on each. Those who get the whole number first will win the game. This will be clearer with an example, suppose A and B are playing. A has two cards called “half” and “¼”, and B has two cards called “¼”, “¼”, now A needs one more ¼ card to be able to play. A wins the game and B needs a “half” card to win the game. As children count numbers, they will understand fractions.
Source: pinterest.com
Let’s start by understanding the true meaning of the term fraction and its importance in our daily lives.
What is the meaning of the term fraction?
A part of a whole is called a fraction. Simply put, every whole number has two parts, and a fraction represents that whole number. The number that appears on top of the fraction is called the numerator. It represents a small part of the whole or aggregate that we have been considering. Let us understand with a simple example: When it comes to sharing pizza, we divide it into five equal pieces, with each divided slice representing a fraction of 1/5, and the remaining pizza representing 4/5.
Importance of the Fraction Method in Our Daily Life
Learning fraction concepts allows children to gain confidence as they work with fractions every day. Children who have advanced their fraction skills can quickly and easily find solutions to a variety of complex situations, such as managing their time and schedule, judging the correct proportions of ingredients for baking cookies, etc. There are many ways you can help your child see and learn the importance of fractions in their daily life. Let us look at some active real-life examples that will help them learn fractions.
Use of Fractions in our day to day life
Sharing Food
Sharing food is a great real-life example that anyone can use to develop their children’s understanding of fractions. Dividing things up between groups is a very simple use of fractions that will make it easier for children to understand this concept. For example, you can explain to them that when they divide the pieces of cake equally among their friends, they also need fractions.
Dividing Bills
Dividing the sum of a bill between a group of two or more people is one of the simple and useful activities to teach fractions. For example, to divide the total amount of a restaurant bill between three or four friends, they will need fractions to do it correctly.
Buying goods
When we go shopping, we have to deal with fractions to calculate discounts and prices of various products. For example, when we saw the slogan 50% off the price of a bag, the first thing we did was calculate the amount of the discount, and here you will need fractions.
Cooking & Baking
Trying and following different recipes while cooking is also helpful in learning fractions. Following different recipes also requires understanding fractions. For example, to estimate one and a half teaspoons of cocoa powder, one-quarter tablespoon of sugar, etc. They are also helpful when serving ingredients to people based on the current number of people.
Health and Fitness
Sports come first when it comes to health and fitness. This is a great way to introduce your kids to fractions. Let’s look at a simple example: a football match consists of four equal quarters and after two quarters there is a break. We can use fractions if we want to analyze the performance of a specific/selected player or an entire team.
Tests and Assessments
The results of any test or exam are expressed in fractions. For example, if a student’s grade is 15 out of 20, it is presented in fractional form, i.e. 15/20.
Telling Time
Telling time is also a way for children to learn fractions. They can learn to represent half an hour, a quarter of an hour, and a quarter using fractions.
Fractions foster an understanding of a variety of math operations and topics. Visualizing fractions in everyday life is very helpful for children to learn their applications. Using educational resources such as puzzles, games, and worksheets helps children learn fractions better. Cuemath offers a variety of interactive resources for children to learn and understand math in a fun way. To learn some fun ways to teach fractions, visit the website.
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