Health insurance for children: How to choose the right one?

Health insurance for children: How to choose the right one?

Why take out health insurance for children? Mainly because our children are better looked after and cared for , allowing us to save a lot of money , but there are many more reasons. 

 We answer the most common questions from first-time parents and young children. Here we inform you the entirety you want to know! 

Advantages of ensuring children’s health

Advantages of ensuring children's health

There are many advantages to having our children covered by private health insurance. The first and most obvious are better health care for them (faster, more comprehensive and with better resources) and the significant financial savings that this can entail.

In the following lines we will see how health insurance for children works , but let’s continue with the advantages. Speed ​​in medical care  is one of them, avoiding saturations of the public system and usually having a longer time of care for each child. Something that is really good, since visits to the medical center are frequent when you have a very young child.

The possibility of  choosing the professional  who will care for the child, especially with regard to the pediatrician, is another advantage. This way, you can choose a doctor you trust, as he or she will be in charge of monitoring the child during his or her first years.

It is also important to take into account everything that is covered by medical insurance for children ; a private policy usually provides us with better access to  diagnostic tests , as well as other coverage such as  emergency care or hospitalization in private clinics with which our insurer has an agreement.

As for  dental health , although public health offers many free services, not all are included. Having complete dental coverage (usually through a co-payment system ) is another benefit.

Options to ensure the health of your children

Options to ensure the health of your children

There are two great options when trying to choose the best health insurance for children . They are these:

Family health insurance

Although having the coverage offered by private health insurance is not free,  family health insurance  usually offers significant discounts  when adding a new member to the policy, which means significant savings.

Health insurance for children

Children often have to visit doctors frequently and not all situations can be treated or resolved in public health (at least not as quickly or with personalized attention), so family health insurance , in which you can include your children, is, at the very least, profitable.

As for the price, when children are very young, the premiums are most expensive; then, as they get older, these become considerably cheaper , since older children, pre-teens and teenagers do not have to visit medical professionals as often.

What coverages are most important for children?

What coverages are most important for children?

Newborn care

Children, especially in their first months,  require frequent medical attention .

There is hardly a month, or even a week, in which parents do not have to take their child to the pediatrician or other medical specialist. In this situation, having private health insurance facilitates prompt and complete care for the child.

Medical team specialized in pediatric care

Private health insurance for children provides parents with a wide range of paediatricians, who can choose based on reasons of trust, knowledge, geographical proximity or a positive evaluation by other users.

Telephone and online assistance

Telephone and online counselling coverage  , usually 24 hours a day, is another big plus for often worried parents, especially first-time parents.

Periodic reviews

Regular check-ups are important for everyone, especially babies and children.

Competitive insurance must include the performance of those routine tests that are relevant when assessing the child’s health status .

Medical specialties (ophthalmology, dermatology, speech therapy, etc.)

A child with health insurance is perfectly covered. Private policies offer greater care in  specialties  such as ophthalmology, dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, phoniatrics, speech therapy and even psychology, usually with periodic check-ups for the child.

Umbilical cord preservation

Umbilical cord blood preservation is becoming increasingly common. Its stem cells can be used in a wide range of pathologies and can be implanted to regenerate organs and tissues. They are an important resource to consider in the event that a child (or even a sibling) suffers from an illness.

Frequently asked questions about child insurance

Is it necessary to take out health insurance for children?

It is certainly advisable for the many reasons we have already mentioned, which prove why taking out medical insurance for children is important: the child will be better and more cared for and as parents we will certainly save worries, time and money.

What is needed to insure my child?

If you are wondering how to take out health insurance for my child, it is very easy: all you have to do is contact the insurance company to include him or her in a family health insurance policy . In most cases, parents have a short period after birth to complete the paperwork so that the newborn is admitted by the insurance company and forget about waiting periods or other limitations.

Can a newborn be insured from day one?

Yes, you can insure a baby from day one , and in fact many parents choose to register their child with private health insurance at birth. Although insuring a child is simple, it is up to the parents to do their homework in order to apply for registration.

Read also: Cheap health insurance: is it worth it to be guided only by price?




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