Hypoactive sexual desire in women

Hypoactive sexual desire in women

Currently, the prevalence of female sexual dysfunctions is very high, according to different studies the figure fluctuates around 40%. That is why there is sufficient evidence that women have sexual problems to a greater extent than men and more than 20% of them do not seek professional help, which is a real problem.

The desire

To discuss hypoactive sexual desire in women, we must begin by talking about desire. There are many gaps regarding female sexual desire and response. Today, several types of desire can be distinguished depending on external stimuli, brain neurotransmitters, and hormonal concentration.

We can speak of a desire without an object, which probably has a lot to do with hormones. Specifically, with bioavailable testosterone, where the woman has the subjective sensation of desire, but not for a particular person. At a physiological level, which can be called impulse, it is activated in the periovulatory period, just before or after menstruation.

Another form of desire is very object-centered, that is, one yearns for a specific person. This can be called romantic desire and is related, at the brain level, to dopaminergic receptors.

Finally, another typical variety of women whose relationship is not new, is that they begin sexual relations without having desire and become activated after a process of arousal. This variant could be called post-excitatory desire and is probably the most frequent form of desire among adult women.

What is hypoactive sexual desire in women?

What is hypoactive sexual desire in women?

In general, anyone who decreases their sexual frequency considers that their desire is diminished, but frequency itself is not an adjusted variable to measure the capacity to desire. We speak of hypoactive sexual desire when “there is a decrease (or absence) of fantasies and desires for sexual activity persistently or recurrently, and the disorder causes marked discomfort or difficulties in interpersonal relationships.”

Therefore, we speak of hypoactive sexual desire when there is an absence or decrease in sensations, interest, thoughts or sexual fantasies, with little or no motivation to seek arousal and taking into account the physiological changes of the woman throughout the life cycle and the duration of the couple.

Why does hypoactive sexual desire arise?

Neuroendocrinological disorders, hormonal disorders, metabolic diseases, and other chronic conditions negatively influence hypoactive sexual desire in women. Anxiety, stress, depressive states, and low self-esteem are also influential factors for the onset or maintenance of the disorder.

Decreased desire can also be due to avoidance as a result of frustration caused by unsatisfactory sexual relations. When there are problems in intimacy, it is important to check that there has not been a process of routinization. Couples who have been together for many years can reach a high level of trust and knowledge that can lead to routine in their sexual relations.

In other cases, where it is difficult to find an explanation for the lack of desire, it leads to thinking about the existence of people who for unknown reasons are not very inclined to have sexual relations, or there may be traumatic events prior to their ability to remember, which as a defense mechanism are deposited in oblivion.

Do I have a hypoactive sexual desire?

Signs I may have a hypoactive sexual desire:

Lack of interest in sexual activity or little initiative.

Avoid sex.

Lack of sexual thoughts.

Emotional disconnection or lack of interest in the partner.

Feelings of worry, frustration, or sadness due to lack of desire.

Tension and conflict in the relationship.

Psychological treatment for hypoactive sexual desire in women

Cognitive-behavioral therapy identifies and modifies negative thought patterns and behaviors related to sexuality. It also seeks to improve communication and resolve conflicts in the couple’s relationship. In addition, sexual psychoeducation work is carried out.

Treatment for hypoactive sexual desire should be individualized, taking into account the particularities of each patient. It is important to address both the physical psychological and relational aspects, maintaining open and honest communication with the patient to identify the best intervention strategies.

Therapy provides a safe space where women can explore and express their sexual concerns without judgment, helping them find solutions and improve their sexual and emotional quality of life.


This type of disorder can go almost unnoticed in the absence of a partner. But when a person lives with a partner, it is common for pressure to be generated by the partner, which leads to feelings of guilt, lack of love and sexual incapacity.


Hypoactive sexual desire is the most common sexual dysfunction in women. Generally, women come to the doctor’s office after a long period of development, which inevitably causes discomfort. Therefore, if you have problems with your sexual desire, you can consult a psychology professional for guidance.

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