Psychopaths: How to Survive Evil

Psychopaths: How to Survive Evil

Almost everyone has probably heard of psychopaths at some point. Whether through the media or on the big screen, the psychopath is a profile that arouses interest and fear in equal measure in both reality and fiction.

However, a psychopath is not only a serial killer, the reality is that there are psychopathic profiles that do not have to kill to be defined as such. What’s more, it is almost certain that throughout our lives we have come across or will come across a psychopathic personality.

Therefore, this article will provide basic notions about this personality structure, to provide some basic tools to know how to read and distance yourself from these people, since in many cases it is not easy because they are so integrated into society.

What is a psychopath?

The origin of the word psychopathy has Greek roots and its meaning is “mental suffering”. If one adjusts to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) one can see how psychopathy is related, and even similar, to antisocial personality disorder, as well as narcissistic personality disorder. However, on a personal level, I think that we can understand a person with some type of disorder or mental illness as someone who suffers and who somehow lives in a degree of unreality. The latter would be a differential element for a psychopath since said person does not suffer any type of suffering, as well as does not live in any unreality, that is, he is completely aware of how he functions.

Therefore, a psychopathic personality tries to generate “madness” in those around them, attacking the person’s being, which will lead to a strong impact on self-esteem and the consequent emotional discomfort in the form of anxiety, depression, outbursts of anger, guilt, etc.

What characteristics are common in psychopaths?

The essential characteristic of this personality is the strong need to exert control, dominance, or power over others. Its basic structure is that of a destructive personality, contrary to the purpose for which the human being exists, that is, to be constructive towards oneself and the world. To exercise this destructiveness, the psychopath exercises violence against the being, thus reversing the scale of values ​​that are so important for behavior and mental health. Therefore, where there is love, hate will reign, where there is beauty, ugliness will reign, where there is truth, lies will reign, where there is honesty, dishonesty will reign, and so on.

But how does the psychopath manage to carry out these operations? He does so by showing an image that is contrary to what he is, and that is why they almost always wear a “disguise” that integrates them socially.

Thus, the most characteristic features could be the following:

Excessive love or excessive emotionality. Although sometimes they indeed show direct coldness.

Apparent spontaneity and naturalness that hide a highly calculating personality.

Strong material interests manifested as the opposite, that is, a contradiction between the detachment they claim to have for money and the actions they carry out.

“Construction” of a family that is at your service under the appearance that it is for the good of the family, showing excessive sacrifice.

Dedication to manipulating the outside world so that they do not see your true self.

External blaming of everything, making oneself look like a constant victim of the world when in reality one is the executioner.

Attempt to give the image of a “good person” by carrying out activities towards third parties in the form of care.

Aggression through covert tactics that attempt to turn victims against themselves (guilt/self-reproach) so that they are the ones who self-destruct.

Attitudes of possession and appropriation of people and their activities, thus not respecting their will and attempting to govern them completely.

High ability to raise and lower the person according to their interests, that is, it easily makes the external subject go from angel to demon.

Using ethics, morals, or norms as an instrument of manipulation towards their victims, accusing them of being unsupportive, immoral, selfish… when they do not satisfy their interests.

If he is discovered or anticipates punishment, he will leave that environment to begin his psychopathic activity again in an unknown environment.

How is a psychopath formed?

How is a psychopath formed

Leaving aside the genetic load and going to the environmental influence, it seems that psychopathic personalities originate around a primary system (family) that carries out inappropriate treatment toward the child. Among such treatment, it is seen as an education that systematically denies the child, rejects him, and compares him to less constantly, as well as punishes physically and psychologically, causing the individual to form his personality around rage, anger, envy… and it is then when that person who has been a victim in adulthood becomes an executioner, thus taking revenge on the world.

Another possible formative hypothesis is when the transferred education has been overindulgent, that is, the so-called enthronement. With such treatment, the child is made to generate beliefs of being above others, as well as believing himself to have the right to plunder the world with impunity. Therefore, it would be close to the narcissistic personality that is so closely related on many occasions to the psychopath.

Finally, another formative hypothesis would be when there is psychological/emotional abandonment. Because of this, and in a similar way to the first hypothesis explained, the hatred and subsequent resentment that is generated in the person makes them later believe they have the right to abuse their environment without any remorse.

It should also be added that, although the primary system is the great originator of the explained personality, secondary systems such as friends and school can alter said formation both for good and for bad.

And now, what do I do if I detect a psychopath? How do I survive?

If we are sure that we have unmasked a psychopath, the best option would be to break off the relationship with that person. However, human relationships are complex and it is not always so easy to cut them off at the root. Therefore, the best guidelines that could be carried out are the following:

Work hard on yourself. If we enhance our self-knowledge and strengthen our self-esteem, as well as all the pillars that make it up, we will be able to read the world better, manage ourselves better emotionally, and, therefore, not be easy prey for these personalities.

Practicing positive selfishness. If there is one thing that is characteristic of psychopathic personalities, it is the constant attempt to make the person they are in a relationship with serve them. Therefore, turning our attention to our needs and desires in a healthy and guilt-free way is essential.

Minimize contact and get to zero if possible. Ideally, we would have no contact at all, but as has been said before, sometimes it is not that easy. However, it would be good if that was our final goal.

Resuming or expanding your social life.

Since these are people who establish power/control over others, it is most common that they try to eradicate existence with the rest of the world, in an attempt to isolate themselves from the outside world. That is why resuming good friendships, as well as the possibility of expanding our circle, can be a very healing action.

Don’t give up, stay strong. Something that happens frequently in people who suffer from relationships of this type is that once they have taken the step of breaking up and changing, there are moments when they later have doubts again and thus resume contact again. Whether due to our empathy or due to manipulative attempts on their part, this is something to try to avoid since one thing is clear: psychopaths do not change. Therefore, if there is a relapse, it is important to return to the point of distancing.

Seek professional help. In many cases, many important points above cannot be achieved without professional help. The reason is that the person who has been coexisting with a psychopathic personality is usually very damaged, and they are usually not able to see reality. This is why psychological treatment would help in the various affected areas.

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