Personal image: importance and tips for taking care of it

Personal image: importance and tips for taking care of it

The personal image goes beyond outward appearance and aesthetics. The term refers to the vision someone has of their own body. And to the emotions they experience about their self-image. A person who has a positive vision, and feels good in their skin, transmits self-confidence. So, in this post, we are going to talk to you about the importance of your image and we will give you some tips so that you can take care of it and improve it.

Study pattern making and fashion design through our master’s degree and enhance the image of others through fashion and styling.

Why it is important to take care of your image

Why it is important to take care of your image

Keep in mind that social skills are important in every aspect of life. And yet, communication with others is not only fueled by words. Non-verbal language is that which connects directly with the body. Posture, gestures, and hand movements convey an impression on the interlocutor. Well, there are aspects linked to self-image that manifest themselves in the relationship with others.

A positive view of oneself influences the establishment of happy relationships. The opposite situation can make someone negatively compare themselves. On the other hand, self-image also refers to how someone relates to themselves. Keep in mind that, to reinforce well-being, it is positive for the person to treat themselves with kindness. That is, you must accept yourself as you are.

What are the elements that make up personal image?

What are the elements that make up personal image?

Different elements are linked to self-image. These are:

Physical appearance

Dress code and style show an appearance that can be adapted to the context. It is common to select a specific look depending on the occasion. So, when you choose a professional outfit for a job interview, you want to show your best side. Ultimately, you want to reinforce your brand. Therefore, you can also intentionally select those clothes that enhance your charisma.

Nonverbal language

Body language is very much a part of everyday life. It is present even when you walk past people with whom you do not have a conversation. You can draw a subjective impression from what you perceive in the other person. Therefore, non-verbal communication is also part of self-image. This is reflected in facial expressions, gestures, or posture.

How can you delve deeper into your body language to get to know yourself better? For example, you can record yourself giving a short speech.


A person’s external image is not independent of their internal world. It is part of their very essence. Remember that every human being is unique. Therefore, authenticity is key to achieving success. And this is reflected in attitude. That is, in the way someone faces the objectives of each day.


How does a person feel when he or she looks in the mirror or interacts with others? A positive self-image reinforces pleasant emotions. When someone has a negative self-image, he or she may avoid looking at specific parts of himself or herself. He or she may even compare himself or herself with others.

Tips to take care of our image

Tips to take care of our image

Improving your image also boosts your self-esteem. Here are some tips to help you take care of yourself.

Strengthens self-knowledge

It is essential to feel comfortable in the way you dress. Fashion, accessories, makeup, or hairdressing offer you resources to show yourself as you are. Therefore, choose those proposals that you like. You can also seek professional advice to discover which trends suit you best. Identify the features and qualities that you like to enhance. Make new combinations with items from your wardrobe to create different looks. Invest in a good wardrobe with basic and timeless garments.

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Adopt a healthy lifestyle

Self-care is comprehensive. It is a reflection of a lifestyle that is aligned with positive habits. A varied diet, conscious eating, physical exercise, and a good rest are key in everyday life. Fatigue, for example, is reflected on the face. Invest time in experiences that bring you joy. For example, cultivate your social life.

Analyze what image you want to convey

You can plan the message you want to convey through your image. You can observe it at different times: a romantic date, a professional meeting, or an event. Situations that are usually accompanied by high expectations. And, in this case, the person wants to show their best version from the first impression.

Take care of your self-esteem

High self-esteem is directly reflected in your relationships with others. Do you have any limiting beliefs regarding your image? Cultivate kindness towards yourself and observe the beauty within you.

Take care of your body posture and maintain eye contact

The posture you observe in the interlocutor transmits direct information to you. Someone who maintains eye contact during a conversation with another person conveys closeness. Therefore, when you take care of this gesture, you also improve your image in the eyes of others. Therefore, you can set specific goals to improve your image.

Relationship between image and Halo effect

Sometimes, people draw general conclusions based on the physical beauty they observe in another person. They interpret that person as someone good, interesting, and charismatic. What happens when a man or woman leaves a positive first impression of their presence? The interlocutor remembers that moment in a more meaningful way. In this way, they may attribute qualities, traits, and characteristics to the other person’s personality. Interpretations drawn from first impressions can lead to prejudices and stereotypes. Something that happens with the so-called halo effect. And what happens when the person who has idealized the other person’s personality knows them? They discover that they are not as they had imagined.

As you know, personal image is of great importance in today’s society. Remember that appearance goes beyond physical appearance. And, furthermore, what is truly important is to know someone as they are.

Study design and fashion and specialize

Through the training offered by Escuela Des Arts, you will be able to go one step further in terms of design, fashion, and personal image. Would you like to gain advanced knowledge in this field? You can do so without any entry requirements, starting from scratch and taking advantage of our flexible study methodology.

Among the main benefits of studying at Escuela Des Arts you will find:

Maximum flexibility in schedules and calendars that adapt to your needs.

Access to content and audiovisual support resources with interviews with professionals.

A comprehensive and extensive syllabus to help you progress step by step without getting overwhelmed.

The support of a personal tutor who will monitor your progress.

Thanks to the study methodology we have at our school, you will be able to organize your study schedule so that nothing gets in the way of your academic goals. You will acquire a solid knowledge of the history of fashion, the professional figures involved in the sector, the influence of the digital context, and the main styles and trends.

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