Tips for writing a TV show script

Tips for writing a TV show script

A TV script is the basic skeleton of any television program. It is a guideline that allows all technicians, writers, and other personnel involved to know what needs to be done during a program. So, if you want to know the types of TV scripts there are and how to write one, keep reading this post.

What is the importance of a TV show script?

What is the importance of a TV show script?

The television program script or television script is the document that contains everything that is going to happen throughout this type of television broadcast, functioning as a roadmap. Whether we refer to the world of cinema or if we move to the small screen, everything that a program contains is in the script. Lighting, sound, cameras, what the presenter says, and the intervention of the collaborators. In short, everything is scripted.

But what happens when the host or the collaborators go off-script? Improvisation may be the best option, but you have to be good at it to keep the show going.

The importance of the television script is also that, even if the members of the program have to improvise, they will always return to the theme set out in the script. Therefore, this document serves to transmit security to the program team.

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What are the types of television scripts?

Broadly speaking, we can distinguish between two types of television scripts. These are:

Literary television script

 cx vgtyhb njbvThis document contains everything that the presenter and his collaborators will have to say throughout the program, so it will be written only and using the presenter’s own words. It is difficult for the presenter to memorize it, so he can use the teleprompter to help him.

This text contains, like a theatre script, all the interventions that are made on screen. Instructions are also usually added regarding the tone of voice, the volume to be used, or even the movements.

Technical script for television

This text is a version of the previous script, but this one is for the technical team. All the technical interventions appear in order, including notes on the position of the cameras, lighting, changes in the set designer during the commercial break, etc.

As a future scriptwriter, you won’t have to pay too much attention to this document, since the technical team will adapt the literary script to their liking. However, you will have to take it into account when writing the script for the program. In other words, this means that if we have two lighting technicians, we are not going to put on a show that requires the movement of five spotlights, for example.

What elements are part of a television program script?

Unlike what can happen in other types of writing, when we immerse ourselves in the audiovisual world we must keep in mind different elements, the following being essential:

Types of plane

In television, general shots are not often used in large numbers. In addition, the length and dynamic nature of the shots will depend on the type of TV program. Entertainment programs are generally expected to have more dynamic shots, with shorter scenes and a faster pace. In contrast, in talk shows and news programs, the duration of the shots may be longer, as well as the scenes.

How many people will be on set?

Is it a show with just one host and one guest? Will there be contributors? How many will there be and what will they do? An answer must be found and the content adapted to the circumstances and format of the show.


Many programs, especially entertainment ones, begin with a monologue by the presenter analyzing current events or presenting the content. To do this, it is recommended that the script for the monologue be written separately from the rest of the program.


It is essential to stick to the program time; there should be no option for too little or too much time. Not only because television must control broadcast times to the millimetre, but also because having a predetermined duration generates homogeneity in the content.

How to write a script for a TV show

Writing a good TV script will cover all the important areas. Therefore, the following steps should be followed:

Program genre

If you are going to write a script for a late-night show, you must opt ​​for strategies that will not seduce you, whereas if you are writing for a gossip show, you Must Be clear about the genre of the show and stick to it. This will define the structure and content of the script and the show.

A review of current events

Although not all programs consider current events, it is important to be informed about what is happening in the world. When planning interviews or distributing content, you have to give priority to what matters most.

Choice of content

Once they have a good idea of ​​the current events, the writers meet to determine which topics will be covered in the program. They can also make a selection of which collaborators will be called in and which interview proposals are best suited.

Time distribution

A key part of outlining the first draft of your show outline is allocating the time you spend on each topic. Ideally, you’ll want to pick your main topic and spend the bulk of your show on it. Then, spend the remaining time on a contributor’s section, introducing next week’s guests, or other topics that need to be covered but aren’t as relevant. This will keep your audience from getting bored and keep your content more dynamic.

Program tone

When writing a script, it is recommended not to lose sight of the mission or tone of the program. If the aim is to provide fast information on current events, you should avoid using jokes, gags, or superficial treatment of the subject. On the other hand, if the program is characterized by humor, you should work hard to make it humorous.

Writing the script

With all the previous sections defined, it is time to write the first draft. Television programs have a whole department that is in charge of this, so the work can be divided up and discussed to find the best version of each block. It is very common that, from the first version to the final broadcast, the script undergoes many changes, with sections being eliminated or the presenter modifying it at the last minute.


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