More and more people are coming to therapy with a mobile phone addiction in search of psychological treatment.
Mobile phones can take up a lot of space in our lives, as they can be used to do almost anything these days. They have become an essential item and, for certain people, they can even become addictive .
Psychological treatment for cell phone addicts varies from person to person. This is a phenomenon that has very specific characteristics, so the intervention will be adapted to each patient and their life situation.
Mobile phone addiction
Mobile phone addiction is generating great interest among the new psychological addictions , becoming an increasingly visible disorder.
Technology opens up new avenues for communication and the development of social environments. In just a few years, there has been great progress and having a mobile phone has become almost “a necessity”. Its use has increased significantly, especially among the younger population.
Some components of the mobile phone could clearly facilitate a possible addiction to it and are shared by other psychological addictions and addictive behaviors. Among the addictive factors of the mobile phone we can find:
Communication : its use generates great and continuous rewards since it offers the possibility of staying constantly informed about the situation of specific people (especially through social networks ), of receiving stimuli of all kinds or attracting the attention of other individuals, all in real time.
Physical characteristics : Technology manufacturing companies are aware of the reinforcing component of receiving calls and text messages, and therefore dedicate a large part of their income to the design of increasingly sophisticated devices that offer the necessary stimulation.
Status : the user can be permanently informed about his economic conditions and the size of his social circle.
Fast track and support for the development of other addictive behaviors : it is an instrument that can be used to participate in games of chance, to obtain sexual stimuli, to make purchases and/or to surf the Internet.
Delayed realization of the negative consequences of its use : its negative effects may appear after a while, such as the financial expense incurred.
When is it cell phone addiction?
At the moment there is no data on its prevalence, although it could be a new psychological addiction that would meet the criteria established for other more studied addictions, which would be the following:
For a patient to be considered “mobile addicted” , two or more of the following symptoms must appear in the last 12 months:
Tolerance . Stimuli that were initially highly gratifying (e.g. receiving a message or a phone call) must be amplified or their effect must last at least over time. In the case of addiction, the well-being caused by communication gestures is quickly lost, so the reinforcing behaviors must be repeated more and more frequently (e.g. calling insistently or sending more messages).
Withdrawal symptoms – Symptoms similar to withdrawal symptoms (e.g., running out of battery or losing the phone) may occur when they lose the ability to use their phone.
Greater use than initially intended . It starts as a support tool and soon becomes indispensable and more hours are invested than desired.
Desire to control or interrupt phone use . Some users try to control phone use by blocking calls, muting the sound, or turning it off, but these strategies are ineffective because once they are put into practice, a “need” to check the phone often appears.
Reduction of important social or recreational activities . Giving up or reducing sharing space with other people in favor of staying in the virtual world.
Performing the behavior despite being aware of the negative effects it entails .
Dangers of suffering from mobile phone addiction
Dependence on this device, also known as nomophobia (from the English “no-mobile-phone phobia”), can lead to several dangerous and negative effects on our mental and emotional health. Some of them are:
Social isolation.
Anxiety and stress .
Depression .
Insomnia .
Decreased academic and work performance.
Accidents and health risks.
Waste of time.
Economic problems.
Difficulties in relationships.
Psychological treatment for mobile phone addiction
The cognitive-behavioral approach is one of the most effective therapeutic approaches to address this type of addiction. The treatment will generally focus on:
Initial assessment.
Goal setting.
Psychoeducation. Identification of dysfunctional mind and beliefs.
Managing emotions.
Self-regulation techniques.
Monitoring and prevention of relapses.
It is important to note that treatment is individualized and tailored to the specific needs of each person. The duration and intensity may vary depending on the severity of the addiction and the patient’s response.
Mobile phone addiction is a real problem and seeking help from a mental health professional, such as a psychologist, can be beneficial if someone is struggling with this addiction. Cognitive behavioral therapy is proven to be the most effective for treating it. If you need it, do not hesitate to contact our team of psychologists.
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