Raised tattoo: what is it and how to reduce it?

Raised tattoo: what is it and how to reduce it?

Raised tattoos are those in which the ink or skin is raised above the normal level. This often goes beyond a simple aesthetic nuisance and can lead to serious health consequences. Today we will tell you what it means and how to reduce the relief of a tattoo. Will you join us?

What is a relief tattoo?

A raised tattoo is one in which the surface of the tattooed skin has a noticeable elevation. This can be due to various factors, such as an allergic reaction or abnormal scarring, for example. In the latter case, the phenomenon is known as a keloid or hypertrophic scar.

It can also be caused by an infection. If the tattoo is not properly cared for during the healing process, it can become infected. This causes swelling, redness, and raised skin.

What if the tattoo is raised?

What if the tattoo is raised

A raised tattoo is more than just an aesthetic nuisance. Depending on the cause, it can have various implications:

Physical discomfort. This may be accompanied by physical symptoms such as itching, pain, or sensitivity in the tattooed area.

Health problems. If the bump is due to an infection, it may carry more serious health risks if not treated properly. The infection can spread and cause systemic complications.

Improper scarring. Hypertrophic or keloid scars not only affect the appearance of the tattoo but can cause discomfort and sometimes restrict movement if they are located on certain parts of the body.

Allergic reactions. These may persist and require medical intervention, including, in more extreme cases, removal of the tattoo itself.

How to reduce the relief of a tattoo?

How to reduce the relief of a tattoo

The time it takes to remove the relief from a tattoo depends on the cause and the effectiveness of the treatment. However, we can apply various strategies to achieve this, the following being an example of this:

Proper care. Keeping your tattoo clean and well-groomed is crucial. Using an antibacterial ointment and keeping the area moisturized can help in the healing process.

Topical treatments. Creams and gels containing ingredients such as vitamin E, rosehip, or corticosteroids can help reduce the relief and improve healing.

Compression. Sometimes applying a compression bandage can help reduce hypertrophic scars.

Massages. Gentle massages on the affected area can help break up scar tissue and flatten the relief over time.

Medical intervention. If the bump is caused by a severe allergic reaction or a keloid scar, a visit to a dermatologist may be necessary. Treatments may include steroid injections, lasers, or even surgery in extreme cases.

Treatments for infections. If an infection is suspected, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately. Treatment may include oral or topical antibiotics.

Raised tattoos can be a serious health problem and it is necessary to follow all prevention and hygiene guidelines to avoid them. From initial care to advanced treatments, there are several ways to approach it, but the most fundamental of them is to follow all health and hygiene guidelines when getting a tattoo.

Would you like to learn more about this field? Now you can with the master’s degree in tattoo + sanitary hygiene that we offer at Escuela Des Arts. Sign up!

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